![]() All PublicationsWorks by GaimanAppreciationsArt Articles Audio Recordings Books Comics Comic Adaptations Encyclopedia Entries Essays Films Interviews Introductions Introductions To His Own Work Letters Photography Poetry and Lyrics Scripts Short Stories Short Story and Article Collaborations Everything Else Reviews by GaimanBooksComics Films About Neil GaimanBooks About Gaiman and His WorkBooks Interviewing Gaiman Books Quoting and Magazines With Original Quotes by Gaiman |
Neil Gaiman Visual BibliographyThis site aims to record Neil Gaiman's published works as thoroughly as possible.
"One of the really, really, really gloriously obsessive fans of mine" - Neil Gaiman on Late Night with Seth Meyers 6/23/2016 ![]() Updates: November 29: Added Neil Gaiman Reader US and UK Hardcovers November 21: Dr.Who Adventures In Lockdown November 17: Added McGinnis cover for Ocean At The End Of The Lane, American Gods with season 2 cover and 2017 international editions November 16: Added Sleeper And The Spindle UK paperback, Invented People, Pirate Stew, Big Bang Theory November 9: Added Norse Mythology #2 October 25: Added The Moth: Ocassional Magic, Edited By. Finished updating Good Omens Scriptbook. October 22: Added listing for Gaiman Reader, still need to add editions October 20: Added Coraline 2019 reissue, Best Of Best New Horror, Norse Mythology Comic adaptation, Tom The Dancing Bug V.7. Updated Dark Tides to include con exclusive version March 8: Added Mort, Cursed, Dark Tides, Neverwhere black friday edition, Good Omens large print March 1: Added Sleeper and Spindle US paperback, American Gods comic V.2 collection, Graveyard Book 10th anniversary edition, Art Matters, Norse Mythology - red, Sandman Omnibus V.3 February 29: Added Penthouse research (nothing found), Snow Glass Apples comic, Likely Stories comic, The Problem Of Susan And Other Stories, Bowie, 2 more covers of Shock, The Good Omens script book, Hellblazer 30th anniversary, Detective Comics 80th anniversary, Artistry of Neil Gaiman February 22: Added Mythic Journeys, Best Of Uncanny, Lucifer Omnibus, Dr.Who 13 Doctors 13 Stories, Poems To Live Your Life By, Terrifying Tales To Tell At Night, Fight Of The Century, Batman Black And White Omnibus. Added reseach for Fiesta and Club. February 21: Added the Sandman Universe collections for Books Of Magic, Dreaming, House Of Whispers and Lucifer. Added American Gods comics for V.3. Added Penguin Book Of The Contemporary British Short Story, Mammoth Book Of Nightmare Stories, Norwegian Folktales, Becoming Superman January 24 2020: It's been a year! I moved houses, so that has really taken most of my focus this year. Added a BILLION covers of Marvel Comics #1000 February 3 2019: Added Hellblazer Halloween comic, American Gods: My Ainsel #7-9, two issues of Cicada from 2009, Fantastic Tales Of Terror, Mammoth Book Of Halloween Stories, Best Of The Best Horror November-January: Hosting issue caused site to be down. Should be solved, but am still testing for glitches. Circa 1996/1997 posted Comics only bibliography (without domain name) Site originally posted Oct. 11, 2001 Format revision June 4, 2005 Second format revision: June, 2011 Bibliography compiled and maintained by GMZoe. Please don't repost it or steal the images! Thanks to the other bibliographers including Ninave, Davey, and Squiddie and Brian Hibbs for their bibliographies. Thanks to the few who have pointed to things I hadn't heard of: Peow, Kate and Phil and Sarah at clivebarker.info, Eric Lazansky, hemisphire1, Kerry Frey, Daniel O'Mahony, and Mike Portsmouth I've blacked out the (human) nipples from covers so my host won't get mad at me. Sorry folks! Nipples are dangerous and will destroy the world!
If you know of any items not listed here please contact me at SaveUsCoraline at gmail dot com. I've had a few emails recently asking me to add links to different sites or online postings of Neil's work. While I appreciate the thought, I do not maintain a links section on this site. I have no special access to Neil himself and am unable to contact him on your behalf. |